Tamil Church in London

Sunday Service 15:00 – 17:00
07595 425 875
Get in Touch With Rehoboth

Ministry of Tamil Church in London

Ministry of Tamil Church in London – Rehoboth is passionate about to follow the Role of Lord Jesus. Jesus believed his disciples could change the world. We believe that too. Have you ever observed a problem in the world and wondered why God hasn’t done something about it? If there were one thing you could do to change the world, what would it be? How would you be a part of the solution?

Every Christian is called by God for a specific purpose. The call to vocational ministry has unique demands. And should not be pursued without prayer, counsel and spiritual examination. … Here they offer their perspective on discerning God’s calling to vocational ministry.

We want you to feel connected to Rehoboth Tamil Church Of God!  However, that will happen as you get to know the people and the Leaders of the church. Also,  beyond that, it happens as you find your place to serve the Lord and make a difference in the lives of others.  Moreover, we have various ministries in the church that exist to serve those who attend our church, but they also provide ways in which you can be a part of serving others.